This was a really fun week. Stayed in our area the whole week and just tried to work hard and push through the really hot days. We found out that our next door neighbors in the village are actually less active members. They are so funny and cool. I love them a lot. We have found another person that wants to get baptized which is awesome. The biggest problems out here are just getting people to church. It is a long walk for some people and a lot of them have small kids which is hard. We are trying to find ways to get them there though.
This week was pretty fun though. A couple cool things...
The Rat Takedown
As you previously heard, we have been having some troubles with some rats. To take care of this issue, we went to town and found some stuff called rat glue. You put it on a board in a circle and put food in the middle and rats are supposed to get stuck to it. We walk up late that night to some rats screaming. We woke up around 3 AM to fin two rates stuck to the board. To our surprise, one of the rats was eating the other. Hahah sorry there is no photo evidence. It was really late and I was too tired to care. We took them outside and took care of them.
One of our investigators this week got married. Her name is Susana and she got married to a man named Jonasa. He is a member and she really wants to get baptized but she needed to get married first. They just did their wedding in the chapel. It was a really good wedding and I even had a part in it. I know what you're thinking, but no I was not best man. I had the closing prayer but I'll take it. The smile on her face after the wedding was so happy. I can't wait till she gets baptized.
At church we usually just have around 15 people there and it's just in a one room small chapel. When we split off after sacrament, the primary goes outside, the Young men go to the back of the small chapel room, the older Priesthood go to the front, the young women go to a small room at the front of the chapel, and the relief society go to one of the other corners in the chapel. It is very different from a church service in Utah.
I hope all is well at home and that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am thankful to God everyday for my family and my mission. What a wonderful opportunity it is to be out here. I encourage you all to count your many blessings and remember how much God has done for you.
The new flat where all the rat takedowns have happened. |
The wedding where I had a big part. The prayer. |
It rains a lot but it is so hot, I could be sweating or it could be rain. |